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Built between 1959 - 1963 | Convair/General dynamics
The “Convair” train was built by the employees of a large aerospace company, “Convair Corporation” in San Diego, Calif. The company name was changed to “General Dynamics” in the late 70’s. The train (locomotive, four cars and a caboose) was built over a period of time from 1959 to 1963.
#325 & 216
Custom Locomotive works - Chicago Illinois
These were bought new from Custom Locomotive works of Chicago in 1998 by Mr. Bill Norred. He was going to start a miniature railroad in the community of Thousand Oaks (north of Los Angles), but he ran into problems and he passed away before it was ever started.
The 325 was the birthday of Bill Norred’s wife, March 25th.
The 216 is the birthday of Bill’s daughter, Feb 16th.